Figure 1.
Transcript profiles of five MAPK cascade genes at different Pst infection stages. Wheat leaves (Su11) were inoculated with fresh urediospores (CYR32) and kept in the dark and under high humidity for 24 h. Inoculated leaves were sampled at different time points according to the differentiation stage of Pst. Gene expression levels were normalized to the expression level of PsEF-1. Results are expressed as means ± se of three biological replicates. US, Urediospores; 6h to 264h, 6 h to 264 hpi with CYR32; PsKPP4, MAP kinase kinase kinase gene; PsFUZ7, MAP kinase kinase gene; PsKPP2, PsKPP6, and PsCRK1, MAP kinase genes.