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. 2017 Sep 26;2(Suppl 4):e000434. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000434

Table 2.

Regression results

Fixed effects
Coefficient SE p
Intercept –1.284 0.161 <0.001
Transportation paid –0.586 0.168 <0.001
Days between appointments 0.434 0.060 <0.001
Hours travelled 0.345 0.141 0.014
Any flights taken 0.700 0.382 0.067
Age –0.113 0.056 0.042
Female 0.027 0.056 0.639
Random effects
Variance SD
Outreach year 6.2×10–9 7.9×10–5
Outreach year × screening town 0.19 0.44
Log likelihood –1047.2

Note: Coefficients are log odds. ORs can be obtained by exponentiating the coefficients.