Fig. 5.
Impairment-based training. a Examples of selected reaching training conditions for Participant 2 (allotted movement time: 1.1 sec; guiding stiffness: 2.0 N•cm-1). The conditions for the first week of training were selected based on the PM2 and PM3 maps of the baseline (pre-training) mapping session. The selected conditions (small black ‘x’ and white ’+’ symbols, superimposed in the PM2 and PM3 maps, respectively) are within regions of 10% steepest map gradients. The selected conditions of both maps were used in the actual training. b The effect 5 weeks of training (3 session per week) on Assist and Guide force maps of participants 2 (left) and 3 (right). The Assist and Guide maps at the baseline session are shown at the upper row, with the selected conditions, corresponding to panel a. The lower row presents the corresponding post-training maps. c Learning maps – the difference between baseline and post-training sessions per the Assist and Guide maps of each participant. Improvement is depicted as negative values. The selected training conditions (PM2-based and PM3-based combined) in all the training sessions are superimposed on the maps (small black ‘x’ and white ‘+’ symbols, respectively). The sets of training conditions were re-selected for each week based on the impairment map of the previous week