Representative immunoblots for NeuN (a), PSD-95 (b), Synaptophysin (SYNAP) (c) and β-actin from the peri-infarct region. The results for all the protein levels were calculated relative to β-actin levels. Data were expressed as a fold increase of the mean ± SEM for each group relative to the mean of the sham group. (n = 8 per group). The three left most panels in each row illustrate representative labelling for NeuN (d), PSD-95 (e), Synaptophysin (SYNAP) (f) investigated of the three groups, sham, stroke and stroke + stress. The right most panel illustrates the quantification of the change in % of thresholded material. Data expressed as mean ± SEM for sham = 8, stroke = 10 and stroke stress = 12. ns: not significant, ***p < 0.016, **p < 0.025, *p < 0.05, Holm’s a priori analysis α correction procedure. Bar represents 100 µm.