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. 2017 Dec 6;12(12):e0178918. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178918

Table 2. Change in outcomes between intervention groups.

Acupuncture Alexander lessons Usual care
Mean (SD) [Min-max] Statistical significance (p-value)* Mean (SD) [Min-max] Statistical significance (p-value)* Mean (SD) [Min-max]
EQ-5D utilitiesa
    Baseline 0.683 (0.179) [-0.016 to 1] 0.60 0.698 (0.195) [-0.239 to 1] 0.95 0.697 (0.179) [-0.074 to 1]
    6 months 0.755 (0.190) [-0.016 to 1] 0.20 0.757 (0.162) [-0.008 to 1] 0.17 0.719 (0.214) [-0.055 to 1]
    1 year 0.766 (0.188) [-0.016 to 1] 0.15 0.763 (0.197) [-0.008 to 1] 0.22 0.727 (0.197) [-0.016 to 1]
QALY over 1 year
Unadjusted differential QALYb 0.740 (0.159) [0.0445 to 1] 0.28 0.744 (0.145) [0.166 to 1] 0.22 0.715 (0.169) [0.0215 to 1]
Adjusted differential QALY 0.025 0.029
(bootstrapped 95% CI)c 0.032 (0.001 to 0.062) 0.025 (-0.007 to 0.058)
NPQ percent scored
    Baseline 38.16 (7.80) [27.78–59.38] 0.84 36.87 (8.18) [27.78–66.67] 0.21 38.41 (8.75) [27.78–66.67]
    6 months 25.10 (13.47) [0–56.25] <0.001 24.16 (13.59) [0–69.44] <0.001 32.05 (12.59) [0–63.89]
    1 year 25.25 (14.57) [0–63.89] <0.05 23.84 (14.22) [0–62.50] <0.05 29.84 (14.22) [2.78–66.67]
Change in NPQ percent score
Change in NPQ score -33.64 (37.73) [-100 to 109.09] <0.05 -36.37 (33.82) [-100 to 40.00] <0.05 -22.69 (32.42) [-92.31 to 60.00]
Unadjusted differential NPQ scoreb -10.96 -13.68
Adjusted differential NPQ scores (bootstrapped 95% CI)e -10.58 (-19.67 to -1.35) -12.79 (-22.07 to -4.12)

*p-values from independent samples t-test comparing means for acupuncture vs. usual care and Alexander vs. usual care

a Base case analysis: N = 293

bDifferential QALYs or NPQ scores calculated as mean scores of acupuncture group minus mean scores of usual care group and mean scores of Alexander group minus mean scores of usual care group.

cAdjusted for baseline EQ-5D index score and practice size. 95% non-parametric bias-corrected confidence intervals based on 1,000 bootstrap replications.

d Sensitivity analysis: N = 298

eAdjusted for baseline NPQ score and practice size. 95% non-parametric bias-corrected confidence intervals based on 1,000 bootstrap replications.

CI, confidence interval.