A) Pearson R correlation and (
B) RMSE between the cell fractions predicted and the experimentally measured fractions (from flow cytometry of lymph nodes from metastatic melanoma patients (this study), colorectal cancer IHC from primary tumors (
Becht et al., 2016) and single-cell RNA-Seq data from melanoma (
Tirosh et al., 2016).
NA’s indicate cases where the cell type could not be predicted by a method.
#: No predictions for endothelial cells were done in the primary tumors from single-cell RNA-seq data as only one patient had such cells and no profiles could be built through the leave-1-out procedure used for this dataset. The ‘
Cancer +other cells’ correspond to cancer cells and other stromal and endothelial cells. No RMSE value can be computed for the IHC data in (
B) as the measured values are not for all cells and do not reflect cell proportions. In (
A) the significance of the Pearson correlation is indicated by stars: * p.value < 0.05, ** p.value < 0.01, *** p.value < 0.001, while results with p-values above 0.1 are inside parentheses.