Table 2.
Sodium acquisition sequence and reconstruction parameters
Parameters | Unit | Radial 3D (R3D) | IR WURST (IRW) |
Number of Radial Projections | - | 10,000 | 10,000 |
Repetition Time (TR) | ms | 100 | 140 |
Echo Time (TE) | ms | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Flip Angle (FA) | degree | 90 | 90 |
Isotropic Field of View (FOV) | mm | 200 | 200 |
Dwell Time | µs | 80 | 80 |
Adiabatic Inversion Pulse Amplitude | Hz | - | 240 |
Adiabatic Inversion Pulse Length | ms | - | 10 |
Inversion Time (TI) | ms | - | 24 |
Nominal Resolution* | mm | 2 | 2 |
Real Resolution** | mm | 3.3 | 3.3 |
Acquisition Time (TA) | min:s | 16:44 | 23:25 |
The nominal (reconstructed) resolution is the size of the isotropic voxels chosen in the regridding algorithm for reconstructing the images from the 3D radial k-space trajectory.
The real resolution is the resolution calculated from the usual resolution formula: resolution=1/(2×kmax), with kmax the maximal value of the k-space used for reconstructing the images.