Fig. 3.
Shape changes in response to decreased Fgf8 gene dosage. Principal component analysis (PCA) of shape at E10.5 (a, b) and P0 (c, d). Gray embryos (E10.5) show shape change trajectories for PC1 (horizontal) and PC2 (vertical), and the middle vertical image represents the mean shape for each time point. Gold skulls show the same shape change trajectories for the P0 data. a, c PC plots colored by Fgf8 level with warm colors representing wild-type embryos and cool colors and purples showing around 20% Fgf8 mRNA expression (mean per group by qRT-PCR). b Coloration by genotypic series, genotypes separate by allelic series, but the differences between low PC1 and low PC2 are small. The mean shape of individual genotypes is already significantly different (Procrustes permutation test, P <0.001) by E10.5. d Coloration by genotype as used in the rest of the paper. A total of 187 neonates were analyzed and divided between groups as follows: WT (+/+) = 22, Flox/+ = 29, Neo/+ = 41, Flox/− = 10, ± = 25, Flox/+;Crect = 21, Flox/−;Crect = 19, Neo/Neo = 17, and Neo/− = 3 (w/all landmarks present). A total of 156 embryos were analyzed and divided between groups as follows: WT (+/+) = 27, Flox/+ = 15, Neo/+ = 30, Flox/− = 13, ± = 16, Flox/+;Crect = 16, Flox/−;Crect = 19, Neo/Neo = 12, and Neo/− = 8