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. 2017 Nov 8;43(1):116–141. doi: 10.1038/npp.2017.193

Table 1. Intravenous Self-Administration Studies with Cannabimimetics in Laboratory Animals.

Study Subjects Gender Drug Experience Reinforcer Dose/infusion Vehicle Schedule Procedure Results IVSA Results Reinstatement (drug priming-induced)
Rodent studies
Van Ree et al (1978) Wistar rats FEM Naive THC 7.5–300 μg/kg Tween 20 (1%)/saline FR1 Initial forced injections No food restriction IVSA acquisition +/− Low incidence of lever pressing 40% Rats responded  
Takahashi and Singer (1979, 1980) Wistar rats Male Naive THC 6.25–50 μg/kg Tween 80 (0.6%)/saline FR Automatic food pellet delivery (FT-1 min) IVSA acquisition and maintenance +/− Behavior maintained only with food pellet delivery and food deprivation  
Martellotta et al (1998) CD1 mice Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 10–500 μg/kg Cremophor (10%)/heparinized saline FR1 Restrained mice used for single IVSA session +/− Max resp. at 100 μg/kg  
Ledent et al (1999) CD1 mice-WT or CB1 KO Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 100 μg/kg Cremophor (10%)/heparinized saline FR1 Restrained mice used for single IVSA session +WT mice −CB1 KO mice  
Navarro et al (2001) CD1 Mice Naive WIN 55,212-2 HU-210 10–100 μg/kg 5 μg/kg Tween 80/ heparinized saline FR1 Restrained mice used for single IVSA session +/−WIN Max resp. at 50 and 100 μg/kg +/−HU-210 Max resp. at 5 μg/kg  
Fattore et al (2001) L-E rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 6.25–50 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction + Max resp. at 12.5 μg/kg 87% Rats acquired  
Spano et al (2004) L-E rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition and extinction Drug-induced reinstatement + + WIN + Heroin −Cocaine
Fadda et al (2006) L-E rats L-H rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition Simultaneous microdialysis + ↑ DA in NAc shell  
Lecca et al (2006) S-D rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80 (0.3%)/saline FR1-2 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Simultaneous microdialysis + 90% Rats acquired ↑ DA (NAc shell >core)  
Mendizabal et al (2006) CD1 mice C57BL/6 J mice – WT or pro-dynorphin KO Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 3.125–12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1 Freely moving mice IVSA acquisition, maintenance + 90% rats acquired WT: max resp. at 12.5 μg/kg KO: max resp. at 6.25 μg/kg  
Deiana et al (2007) L-E rats L-H rats S-D rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 6.25–25 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction +L-E rats +L-H rats −S-D rats Max resp. at 12.5 μg/kg  
Fattore et al (2007) L-E rats L-H rats S-D rats FEM (OVX or intact) Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction +L-E rats Intact FEM >males or OVX FEM +L-H rats Intact FEM >males or OVX FEM −S-D rats  
Solinas et al (2007) L-E rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5–25 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1-5 IVSA acquisition and maintenance +  
Fattore et al (2010) L-H rats FEM (OVX or intact) Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement Cue-induced reinstatement + Intact FEM>males or OVX FEM + WIN Intact FEM>males or OVX FEM + Cue Intact FEM>males or OVX FEM
Justinova et al (2013) L-H rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 IVSA acquisition, maintenance Drug-induced reinstatement + + WIN
De Luca et al (2014) S-D rats Male Naive 2-AG 12.5–50 μg/kg Tween 80 (2%)/ethanol (2%)/saline FR1-2 IVSA acquisition, extinction, reacquisition + Max resp. at 25 μg/kg 90% Rats acquired  
Lefever et al (2014) L-E rats Male WIN SA THC 3–100 μg/kg Polysorbate 80 (1%)/saline FR3 IVSA (Substitution for WIN55,212)  
Vallée et al (2014) CD1 mice Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1 PR IVSA acquisition, maintenance +  
De Luca et al (2015) S-D rats C57BL/6 Mice Male Naive JWH-018 Rats: 10–20 μg/kg Mice: 15–30 μg/kg Tween 80 (2%)/ethanol (2%)/saline FR1-3 (rats) FR1 and PR (mice) IVSA acquisition, extinction, reacquisition + Rats Max resp. at 20 μg/kg, 90% acquired + Mice Max resp. at 30 μg/kg, 90% acquired  
Scherma et al (2016) L-H rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/heparinized saline FR1 THC exposure in adolescence IVSA acquisition, maintenance + THC-exposed >vehicle-exposed rats  
Struik et al (2017) L-H rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1 Prior NDL exposure IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement Cue-induced reinstatement + NDL exposed>vehicle exposed rats + WIN NDL exposed=vehicle exposed +Cue NDL exposed=vehicle exposed
Kirschmann et al (2017) S-D rats Male Naive WIN 55,212-2 12.5 μg/kg Tween 80/saline FR1 Short (2 h) and long (6 h) access IVSA in adolescence Cue-induced reinstatement + 2 h intake=6 h intake + Cue + Incubation of craving
Non-human primate studies
Deneau and Kaymakcalan (1971; Kaymakcalan (1972) Rhesus m. Male FEM Naive THC 100-400 μg/kg Tween 80 (0.2–0.8%)/saline FR Automatic THC injections Cocaine IVSA training IVSA acquisition −Naive subjects +/− Responding occurred only after physical dependence to THC developed or after cocaine SA  
Pickens et al (1973) Rhesus m. Phencyclidine SA THC 25–100 μg/kg PVP/saline FR1 IVSA substitution for phencyclidine  
Harris et al (1974) Rhesus m. Male Naive THC 25–300 μg/kg PVP/saline FR Naive then cocaine SA—substitution for cocaine Automated THC injections −Naive subjects −When substituted for cocaine −After chronic THC exposure  
Carney et al (1977) Rhesus m. Male Cocaine SA THC 3–300 μg/kg EL-620/ Ethanol/saline FR10 IVSA substitution for cocaine  
Mansbach et al (1994) Rhesus m. Male Cocaine SA THC CP 55,940 17–100 μg/kg 0.3–3 μg/kg EL-620/ Ethanol/saline FR IVSA substitution for phencyclidine −THC −CP 55,940  
Tanda et al (2000) Squirrel m. Male Cocaine SA THC 1–8 μg/kg Tween 80(0.4–1%)/Ethanol (0.4–1%)/saline FR10 IVSA (Substitution for cocaine), extinction, reacquisition + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg  
Justinova et al (2003) Squirrel m. Male Naive THC 1–16 μg/kg Tween 80 (0.4-1%)/Ethanol (0.4-1%)/saline FR10 IVSA acquisition, extinction, reacquisition + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg  
Justinova et al (2004) Squirrel m. Male THC or cocaine SA THC 2–8 μg/kg Tween 80 (0.4–1%)/Ethanol (0.4–1%)/saline FR10 IVSA maintenance + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg  
Justinova et al (2005) Squirrel m. Male Naive or THC SA AEA MethAEA 2.5–160 μg/kg 2.5–80 μg/kg Water-soluble emulsion or Tween 80 (0.125–4%)/ Ethanol/Saline FR10 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction +AEA Max resp. at 40 μg/kg +MethAEA Max resp. at 40 μg/kg  
Justinova et al (2008a) Squirrel m. Male THC or AEA SA AEA THC URB597 3–100 μg/kg 1–8 μg/kg 1–100 μg/kg AEA, THC: Tween 80 (0.125–4%)/ Ethanol/Saline URB597: Tween 80 (5%)/ PEG (5%)/Saline FR10 IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement + AEA Max resp. at 30 μg/kg + THC Max resp. at 4 μg/kg − URB597 + THC − URB597
Justinova et al (2008b) Squirrel m. Male Amphetamine or cocaine SA THC 10–80 μg/kg at the end of the session Tween 80(0.4–1%)/Ethanol (0.4–1%)/saline SOS FI 30 min (FR10:S) IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement Cue-induced reinstatement + Max resp. at 40 μg/kg at the end of the session +THC +Morphine +AEA +MethAEA +AM404 − Cocaine +Cue
Justinova et al (2011a) Squirrel m. Male THC or AEA SA THC AEA 0.5–8 μg/kg 1–80 μg/kg Tween 80(1%)/ Ethanol (1%)/ saline FR10 IVSA maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement +THC Max resp. at 4 μg/kg + AEA Max resp. at 40 μg/kg +THC
Justinova et al (2011b) Squirrel m. Male AEA or nicotine SA 2-AG 0.1–100 μg/kg Tween 80(5%)/Ethanol (3%)/sterile water (Stock solution 1.5 mg/ml) FR10 Substitution for AEA or nicotine IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction + Max resp. at 3 μg/kg  
Li et al (2012b) Rhesus m. Females Males Naive THC 3.2–32 μg/kg EL-620/ Ethanol/saline FR30 Substitution for heroin IVSA acquisition  
Justinova et al (2013) Squirrel m. Male THC SA THC 0.5–16 μg/kg Tween 80(1%)/ Ethanol (1%)/ saline FR10 IVSA maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement Cue-induced reinstatement + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg +THC + Cue
Justinova et al (2014) Squirrel m. Male THC SA THC 0.1–32 μg/kg Tween 80(1%)/ Ethanol (1%)/ saline (Stock solution 0.4 mg/ml) FR10 IVSA maintenance + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg  
Justinova et al (2015) Squirrel m. Male AEA, THC, or cocaine SA URB694 0.3–30 μg/kg AEA: Tween 80(1%)/ Ethanol (1%)/ saline URB694: DMSO (5%)/Tween 80(5%)/saline FR10 Substitution for AEA, THC, or cocaine IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement + Regardless of SA history Max resp. at 1 μg/kg +THC − URB694
Schindler et al (2016a) Squirrel m. Male THC SA THC 1–8 μg/kg Tween 80(1%)/ Ethanol (1%)/ saline (Stock solution 0.4 mg/ml) FR10 IVSA maintenance Drug-induced reinstatement Cue-induced reinstatement + Max resp. at 4 μg/kg +THC +Nicotine +Cocaine +Cue
Schindler et al (2016b) Squirrel m. Male AEA, THC or cocaine SA AM404 VDM11 AEA 1–100 μg/kg 0.3–56 μg/kg 2.5–80 μg/kg AM404, AEA: Tween 80(2%)/ Ethanol (2%)/ saline VDM11: Tween 80(2%)/ Ethanol (6%)/ saline FR10 Substitution for AEA or cocaine IVSA acquisition, maintenance, extinction Drug-induced reinstatement +AM404 Max resp. at 10 μg/kg + VDM11 Max resp. at 10 μg/kg + AEA Max resp. at 40 μg/kg +AEA + THC + AM404
John et al (2017) Rhesus m. Male Naive or METH or cocaine SA Cynomolgus m. Male Cocaine SA THC CP 55,940 0.01–10 μg/kg 0.001–3 μg/kg Tween 80 (1%)/Ethanol (1%)/ Saline FR10 (Rhesus) SOS FI 600- s [FR30:S] (Cynomolgus) Rhesus: Food SA training, THC, and CP 55,940 substituted for food pellets Cynomolgus: THC substituted for cocaine − THC FR: low rates of resp. only after chronic THC exposure +/−THC SOS: 50% of animals resp. above vehicle +/− CP 55,940  

Abbreviations:: 2-AG, 2-archidonoylglycerol; AEA, anandamide; DA, dopamine; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; EL-620, emulphor; FEM, female; FR, fixed ratio; FT-1, fixed-time 1 min schedule; Inf., infusion; IVSA, intravenous self-administration; KO, knockout; L-E, Long-Evans; L-H, Lister-Hooded; m., monkeys; METH, methamphetamine; NDL, nandrolone; OVX, ovariectomy; PEG, polyethylene glycol; PR, progressive ratio; PVP, polyvinylpyrollidone; Resp., responding; SA, self-administration; SOS, second-order schedule; S-D, Sprague-Dawley; WT, wild type; WIN, WIN 55,212-2.

Symbols: +/−, <50% Animals responded, low incidence of lever pressing, or special conditions (eg, single session use, movement restriction); +, reliable self-administration behavior or significant reinstatement of drug seeking; −, no self-administration above vehicle levels or no reinstatement of drug seeking; >, higher self-administration rates, faster acquisition, or preferential dopamine increase; =, identical effect; ↑, increase; ↓, decrease.