Fig. 1.
Auditory stimulation phase locked to endogenous SO peaks boosts SO activity. a Setup: Upon online detection of an endogenous SO in the frontal EEG signal during non-rapid eye movement (NonREM) sleep, two tones (50 ms, pink noise, 50 dB SPL) were delivered via in-ear headphones with an inter-stimulus interval of 1.075 s to coincide with two consecutive SO peaks. In the Sham condition, time points of stimulation were marked, but no stimuli were presented. See “Methods” section for further details. Artwork by H.-V.V.N. b Mean (±s.e.m.) EEG signal recorded from a frontal (Fz) electrode position during NonREM sleep (S2, S3, and S4) in the 120-min stimulation period, time-locked to the first of the two tones (t = 0) for the Stimulation (STIM, black) and Sham condition (SHAM, gray). c Mean (±s.e.m.) normalized spectral power in the SO peak frequency band (0.8–1.1 Hz) and SO amplitude recorded from electrode position Fz and determined for NonREM sleep epochs of the 120-min stimulation period. The average number of NonREM sleep epochs used for this calculation was 158 and 169, respectively, for the Stimulation and the Sham condition. (There was no significant difference in the number of epochs between conditions, p = 0.123). For normalization, individual spectra were divided by the cumulative power (up to 30 Hz). **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, for pairwise comparisons between the Stimulation condition (STIM, black) and the Sham condition (SHAM, gray) with paired t tests, two-sided. n = 14