Table 2.
Risks of bias within trials in sarcoidosis patients reporting fatigue as an outcome measure.
Author (year) | Lower et al. (2007)29 | Erckens et al. (2011)30 | Heij et al. (2012)13 | van Rijswijk et al. (2013)31 | Lower et al. (2013)32 | Strookappe et al. (2015)33 | Marcellis et al. (2015)34 | Strookappe et al. (2015)35 |
Sequence generation | Low risk: Random sequence computer-generated | High risk: No randomization (not RCT) | Low risk: Computer generated randomization code | High risk: No randomization (not RCT) | Unclear: No statement on randomization procedure | High risk: No randomization (not RCT) | High risk: No randomization (not RCT) | High risk: No randomization (not RCT) |
Allocation concealment | Low risk: Pharmacy-controlled allocation | High risk: No concealment, all patients receive drug | Low risk: Pharmacy-controlled allocation | High risk: No concealment, all patients received drug | Unclear: No statement on allocation procedure | High risk: No concealment, all patients on programme | High risk: No concealment, all patients on programme | High risk: No concealment, all patients on programme |
Blinding of participants, personnel and outcome assessors | Low risk: Double-blind with low risk of breaking blinding | High risk: No blinding | Low risk: Only allocating pharmacist unblinded | High risk: No blinding | Low risk: Double-blind with low risk of breaking blinding | High risk: No blinding | High risk: No blinding | High risk: No blinding, including assessors of physical function pre- and post. |
Incomplete outcome data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Low risk: Missing data compensated for by taking forward last value | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data | Unclear: No description of missing data points or handling of missing data |
Selective outcome reporting | Low: All outcomes reported | Unclear: No protocol available | Unclear: No protocol available | Unclear: No protocol available | Low: All outcomes reported | Unclear: No protocol available | Unclear: No protocol available | Unclear: No protocol available |
Other sources of bias | No other clear causes of bias identified; crossover ensures groups balanced, patients are own controls. Small sample. | Study design (case series) limits conclusions – no comparator group to eliminate placebo effect. | Baseline imbalance in FAS and health status score (SF36) between groups – significantly lower fatigue scores in placebo arm. | Retrospective review – data collected pre- and post-intervention but high risk of bias from retrospective nature | No other clear causes of bias identified; crossover ensures groups balanced, patients are own controls. Small sample. | Not an RCT, also participants enrolling on programme would self-select as motivated people? generalizable | Not an RCT, also participants enrolling on programme would self-select as motivated people? generalizable | Patients choosing the intervention would be a self-selecting cohort; controls not randomized but refused intervention |
Overall risk of bias | Low – Well designed crossover trial, though only small sample | High – Study design (case series) means no blinding, randomization or comparator. | Low – Well designed RCT but not powered to look at change in fatigue. | High – Design (retrospective case series) has no blinding, randomization or comparator. | Unclear – Issues with description of randomisation allocation and concealment mean study at risk of bias | High – Study design (case series) means no blinding, randomisation or comparator. | High – Study design (case series) means no blinding, randomisation or comparator. | High – Self-selecting intervention group, high risk of bias given control group declined intervention |
RCT: randomized controlled trial.