Figure 3.
IL-23 and CCL9 Mediate Myc-Induced Remodeling of Lung Tumor Stroma
(A) Representative inflammation antibody arrays probed with whole-lung protein lysates from mice treated for 8 hr with oil (control) or tamoxifen to activate Myc.
(B) Quantification of IL12p40/70 and CCL9 signals derived from arrays shown in (A). Each individual data point represents a single mouse.
(C) Quantification and representative examples of immunostaining for CD206, CD3, CD31, NKp46, B220, Ki67, and TUNEL after Myc activation for 3 days in mice sham treated (IgG control), treated with either IL23p19- or CCL9-blocking antibodies, or co-treated with both IL23p19- and CCL9-blocking antibodies. Boxed areas in each image are shown enlarged in the panels directly below. Scale bars apply across each row.
(D) Quantification of tumor cell proliferation (Ki67, left) and cell death (TUNEL, right) after Myc activation for 7 days (with tamoxifen) in mice co-treated with either IgG control or co-treated with IL23p19- and CCL9-blocking antibodies.
(E) Quantification of fold change in tumor cell death (TUNEL) and proliferation (Ki67) (left) and tumor burden (right) after Myc activation for 7 days (with tamoxifen) in mice co-treated with either IgG control or co-treated with IL23p19- and CCL9-blocking antibodies.
Quantification graphs: FoV = field of view. Small symbols = individual tumors, large symbols = average per mouse. (C) n = 4 mice and n = 25–35 tumors (individual anti-IL23p19 or anti-CCL9 treatment) or n = 5 mice and n = 30–50 tumors (IgG control or anti-IL23p19 and anti-CCL9 co-treated). (D) n = 30 tumors from 6 mice treatment point. (E) n = 6 mice per treatment group. Error bars represent the median with interquartile range. p values are based on Student’s t test (CD206, CD3, CD31, B220, Ki67, TUNEL) or two-way ANOVA (NKp46). NS = non-significant; ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.
See also Figures S1, S4, and S7.