A) A Snapshot of ETH1-induced GCaMP6s activity (green) in VNC-Rk neurons. Circles indicate the 95 regions of interest (ROIs) selected for analysis of their response to ETH1. These regions were selected because their signals were spatially separated in the X-Y plane during the timecourse and conformed in size to individual cell bodies. Labeled ROIs in magenta are those whose Ca
++ traces are shown in B. (
B) Timecourse of ETH1-induced Ca
++ activity of ROIs indicated in A. The timecourse of the global Ca
++ signal (calculated for the entire set of VNC-Rk neurons, as shown in
Figure 4A) is shown at the bottom. Dotted red lines indicate the time periods representing the three phases of Ca
++ activity derived from the global signal. (
C) Heatmaps showing the average oscillation frequencies for each phase for each of the 95 ROIs in A. Average frequencies were calculated for each trace using PhaseFinder to define peaks and phase durations determined from the global VNC-Rk signal (with Phase 3 subdivided into the Transition Phase and a ‘late’ Phase 3, as described in
Figure 4C). The average Phase frequencies for the global VNC-Rk signal is shown at the top for reference and arrows indicate ROIs that showed a distribution of Phase frequencies that approximated that of the global signal, including ROI #74 from B.