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. 2017;18(9):2329–2337. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.9.2329

Appendix 1.

Summary of the Selected Articles

Author Year Cell Line Gene and observed change Methodology Validation Investigations on tissue samples Conclusion
Dong., et al 2015 OSCC-BD ↓ p53 expression
↓Rb expression 154 genes showed 2 fold increase(proteomic analysis)
Western Blot Analysis, Proteomic analysis The molecular mechanisms of several novel cancer related proteins in tumorigenesis are still unknown and further research is required to explore Oral Leukoplakia malignant transformation
Goessel., et al 2015 OKF6, OKM1 Over expression of Cyclin D1, inactivation of p53, over expression of EGFR, over expression of c-myc Western Blot Analysis, TRAP assay, anchorage dependent growth assay, Tumorigenicity assay Molecular HLA analysis, Microsatellite analysis Transformation of Oral cells were made possible by overexpression of Cyclin D1, p53 inactivation, EGFR overexpression, telomerase reactivation and c-myc over expression
Wang., et al 2016 DOK, NOK, KB, HN5, HN13, FaDu, Hep-2, CAL27, SCC-4, Tca8113 ↓expression of miRNA-451, ↑c-myc expression RT-PCR Western Blot RT-PCR in HNSCC Tissues A tumor suppressor role of miRNA-451 was demonstrated which played a part in HNSCC cell malignant proliferation by regulating c-myc expression proving to be a novel biomarker
Dalley., et al 2014 PE/CA-PJ15, DOK, POE-9n, OKF6-TERT2, SCC04, SCC15, SCC25, SCC09 ↑ expression of ABCG2 and Bmi1 seen in dysplastic cell lines Multi-color Flow cytometry RT-PCR IHC for ABCG2 and Bmi1 done in normal, dysplastic and SCC tissues Study provides an evidence of increased density of ABCG2 and Bmi-1 positive cells in malignant and potentially malignant lesions
Wang., et al 2015 Hep-2 ↓ expression of miR-206 RT-PCR, Cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry, Tumour Growth Assay Western Blot RT-PCR in LSCC Tissues miR-206 is down-regulated in LNSCC tissue and increased expression leads to cell proliferation suppression proving to play a role in tumorigenesis
Miyazaki., et al 2015 Ca9-27, HSC-3, HSC-4 ↑ expression of hTERT seen in HSC-3 and HSC-4 cell lines subjected to inflammatory cytokines PCR- ELISA Western Blot IHC for hTERT done in dysplastic and SCC tissues Findings suggest that progressive epithelial dysplasia and long term exposure to inflammatory cytokines lead to telomerase expression leading to malignant transformation
Li., et al 2015 SiHa, CaSki silencing of E6 and E7 results in decreased methylation of tumour suppressor genes Transfection using shRNA, RT-PCR, Methylation Analysis, Cell viability assays, Apoptosis analysis Immunoblot analysis Continuous expression of HPV16 E6 and E7 leads to inactivation of various tumor suppressor pathways via methylation of tumor suppressor genes
Lee., et al 2015 HOK, CGHNK2, CGHNK6, DOK ↓ LDOC1 expression Microarray analysis, Knockout of LDOC1 followed by proliferation assay and soft agar assay RT-PCR IHC for LDOC1 was done on normal, hyperplastic, benign tumours and SCC. The study suggests that LDOC1 plays a critical role in tobacco related cancers and can be used as a molecular marker for screening of smokers at high risk of cancer
Hung., et al 2014 NOK, SAS, OECM-1 ↑miR-31 expression and hTERT expression RT PCR Western Blot ISH for miR-31 in normal and precancerous tissue samples miR-31 contributes to early oral carcinogenesis by facilitating VEGF during the carcinogenesis process
Jiang., et al 2016 NOK, FaDu ↑ E6, E7 and CD21 expression RT PCR, Cell proliferation Assay, Cell Invasion IHC for detection of HBV and EBV infection in normal and cancerous tissues HBV and EBV co-infection leads to a greater risk in malignant potential and increases cell invasiveness
Wang., et al 2015 HN4. HN6, Tca8113, HIOEC Cal27, SCC9, SCC25 ↑ expression of LIN28B in OSCC cell lines RT PCR Western Blot, Cellular immunofluorescence IHC for LIN28B performed in SCC tissue samples LIN28B may be involved in tumor initiation and progression as its up-regulation correlates with the aggressive behavior of OSCC
Optiz., et al 2001 OKF6, OKF6-D1, OKF6-LacZ, OKF6-Δp53, OKF6-D1Δp53 ↑ expression of cyclin D1, p53 inactivation in normal keratinocyte cell lines induces malignant transformation Western Blot analysis Tumorigenicity assays performed on mouse to confirm malignant transformation Over expression of Cyclin D1 along with dominant negative form of p53 leads to immortalization of oral keratinocytes through Alternate telomerase lengthening mechanism
Zhao., et al 2015 HOECS ↑ expression of hTERT in primary human oral epithelial cells prolongs lifespan and downregulates p53 expression and induces epithelial mesenchymal transition Western Blot analysis, Confocal Fluorescence microscopy, Migration assay, Wound healing assay IHC for hTERT done on OED and OSCC tissue samples hTERT plays a major role in promoting Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition proving to be involved in carcinogenesis and progression
Pal., et al 2013 NOF, SCC4, H357 Down-regulation of miR-145 seen in NOF treated with CSC Tiling low-density array (TLDA), viability and proliferation assays, in vitro wound healing assay RT-PCR, miRNAS transfection and cell migration assay of transfected cells Study implicates miRNA in the response to cigarette smoke exposure as well as providing proof that miR-145 plays a role in carcinogenesis
Gemenetzidis., et al 2009 NHOK1-5, 16, 355, 376, 881, POE9n, DOK, D19, D20, CA1, UK1, CaLH2, CaLH3, CaDec11, CaDec12, H357, 5PT, PE3/JA, VB6, CaLH2-R FOXM1 up-regulation seen in HNSCC tissues Microarray analysis RT PCR, IHC, Western Blot analysis RT PCR to check for expression levels of FOXM1 in normal, dysplastic and SCC tissues FOXM1 is upregulated during early carcinogenesis and thus can be used as a biomarker for early detection
Shin., et al 2016 MC-3, HSC-3 Mcl-1 downregulation prevents malignant transformation of MC-3 and HSC-3 cells Western Blot analysis Tryptan blue exclusion assay, anchorage dependent growth assay Western Blot to check for Mcl-1 expression Malignant potential of Oral Lichen Planus may correlate with Mcl-1 expression and its subsequent down-regulation may prevent its malignant potential
Lee., et al 2015 DOK, OE-CMI, OC3, CAL-27, SCC-15, TW2.6 IL-1β is upregulated in DOK cells after treatment with 4-Nitroquinolin-1-oxide and arecoline RT-PCR IL-1β ELISA, Cell migration assay, Morphology assay IL-1β increases the invasiveness of OSCC cells through EMT and thus providing insights on mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis