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. 2017;18(9):2527–2531. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2017.18.9.2527

Table 1.

Relationship of CD44 and ALDH1/2 Expression with Clinicopathologic Parameters

CD44 expression36/80 (45.0%) ALDH1/2 expression54/80 (67.5%) Co-expression 25/80 (31.25%)
Characteristics Total number Positivite rate P-Value Positivite rate P-Value Positivite rat P-Value
*Male 48 24/48(66.7%) 0.36 34/48 (63.0%) 0.47 41/48 (63.1%) 0.381
*Female 32 12/32(33.3%) 20/32 (37.0%) 24/32 (36.9%)
*intestinal 58 28/58(77.8%) 0.115 40/58 (74.1%) 0.93 48/58 (73.8%) 0.635
*diffuse 14 3/14 (8.3%) 9/14 (16.7%) 10/14 (15.4%)
*mixed 8 5/8 (13.9%) 5/8 (9.3%) 7/8 (10.8%)
*well 9 3/9 (8.3%) 0.335 6/9 (11.1%) 1.000 6/9 (9.2%) 1.190
*moderate 37 20/37(55.6%) 25/37 (46.3%) 33/37 (50.8%)
*poorly 34 13/34(36.1%) 23/34 (42.6%) 26/34 (40.0%)
Lymphatic invasion
*Yes 66 31/66(86.1%) 0.559 45/66 (83.3%) 1.000 55/66 (84.6%) 0.450
Perineural invasion
*Yes 56 24/56(66.7%) 0.628 38/56 (70.4%) 1.000 46/56 (70.8%) 1.000
Lymph node metastasis
*Yes 66 31/66(86.1%) 0.559 45/66 (83.3%) 1.000 55/66 (84.6%) 0.450
Tumor location
*proximal 28 12/28(33.7%) 0.817 17/28 (31.5%) 0.4 21/28 (32.3%) 0.370
*distally 52 24/52(66.7%) 37/52 (68.5%) 44/52 (67.7%)
Depth of invasion
*mucosa 4 1/4 (2.8%) 0.795 1/4 (1.9%) 0.22 1/4 (1.5%)
*muscularis propria 8 4/8 (11.1%) 6/8 (11.1%) 7/8 (10.8%)
*serosa 68 31/68(86.1%) 47/68 (87.0%) 57/68 (87.7%) 0.028*
TNM Stage
*I 6 2/6 (33.3%) 0.507 2/6 (33.3%) 0.19 1/6 (16.6%) 0.714
*II 15 5/15 (33.3%) 10/15 (66.7%) 4/15 (26.6%)
*III 59 29/59(49.2%) 42/59 (71.2%) 20/59 (33.9%)

X2 test, p<0.05 was considered significant; Tumor stage was classified according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system; ALDH1/2: aldehyde dehydrogenase ½.