Table 2. Table of parameters.
Name | Role | Value () | Ref |
a | CΦk → SΦk conversion rate | 50 | [18] |
ap | PΦk production rate | 1000 × a | [18] |
b | SΦk → RΦk & RΦk → CΦk or VΨ rate | log(2) | [18] |
bp | PΦk to PΨ transport rate | b | [18] |
br | VΦk → CΦk conversion rate | b | [18] |
κ | VΨ → VΦk transport rate | 0.3 | [18] |
μr | VΦk degradation rate | log(2) | [18] |
c | PΨ & VΨ degradation rate | 24log(2)/4 | [18] |
μ | CΦk degradation rate | log(2)/50 | [18] |
λ | PΦk influence on RΦk → VΨ or CΦk | 1/100000 | [18] |
γ | Model: liver hepatocyte ratio | 150: 6 × 1010 | Calculated |
λz | Blood cell births | 105 cells | [20] |
dz | Blood cell deaths | 0.03 cells | [20] |
βz | Blood cell infectivity | 2 × 10−10/virion | [20] |
δ | Cytolytic Response | 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 | Varied [18] |
u | Non-Cytolytic Response (dimless) | 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 | Varied [18] |
As detailed in the text, these parameters are included in Eqs (1) and (2) as depicted by Fig 1). Values are taken from citations given, varied as noted, or calculated as necessary. All parameters are dimensions 1/day except non-cytolytic immune response, u, which is dimensionless. See text or cited references for more description of these items.