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. 2017 Dec 7;12(12):e0188898. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188898

Table 4. Sex-specific associations between socio-behavioral and biochemical factors and pre-diabetes.

Predictor Response Men Women Difference
Coefficient C.R Coefficient C.R C.R#
Age (years) Physical Activity -0.039 -1.44 -0.007 -0.31 0.89
Employment -0.123 -5.79** -0.068 -3.42** 1.93
Marital Status -0.163 -6.47** -0.043 -2.13* 3.51**
Education 0.083 4.10** 0.071 3.21** -0.35
Family history of diabetes 0.028 1.46 0.000 0.40 -1.43
Age (years) Poor diet -0.506 -7.17** -0.457 -5.80** 1.00
Employment 0.052 2.28* 0.028 1.42 -1.02
Marital Status 0.077 2.80** 0.076 3.33** -0.21
Education 0.056 2.58** 0.009 0.40 -1.70
Family history of diabetes -0.012 -0.58 0.022 1.24 1.15
Physical Activity -0.056¥ -2.34** 0.010¥ 0.53 2.24*
Age (years) HDL -0.020 -0.65 -0.118 -4.98** -2.11*
Employment 0.010 0.45 0.025 1.25 0.33
Marital Status -0.117 -4.46** -0.029 -1.47 2.97**
Education -0.026 -1.23 0.039 1.75 2.06*
Physical Activity 0.018 0.85 0.016 0.88 -0.22
Poor diet -0.022 -0.85 -0.008 -0.38 0.46
Age (years) BMI -0.007 -0.24 0.249 11.78** 7.82**
Employment 0.072 3.32** -0.009 -0.49 -2.76**
Marital Status 0.203 7.89** 0.207 11.59** 1.60
Education -0.060 -2.91** -0.123 -6.21** -2.69**
Physical Activity 0.022 1.10 0.025 1.57 0.24
Poor diet 0.081 2.84** -0.025 -1.30 -2.96**
Age (years) TG 0.100 3.33** 0.292 13.08** 4.96**
Employment 0.042 1.91 -0.047 -2.49* -3.04**
Marital Status 0.132 5.11** 0.045 2.36* -2.74**
Education 0.048 2.31* -0.019 -0.91 -2.30*
Physical Activity -0.039 -1.96* -0.033 -1.97* 0.35
Poor diet 0.021 0.82 -0.044 -2.06* -1.99*
Age (years) Hypertension 0.274 9.26** 0.425 19.79** 3.49**
Employment 0.014 0.67 -0.012 -0.66 -0.93
Marital Status 0.022 0.86 -0.067 -3.66** -2.78**
Education -0.004 -0.19 -0.061 -3.03** -1.88
Physical Activity 0.034 1.71 -0.003 -0.19 -1.49
Poor diet 0.022 0.88 -0.011 -0.57 -1.04
Age (years) Pre Diabetes 0.268 9.03** 0.233 9.70** -0.95
Employment -0.002 -0.10 -0.022 -1.17 -0.66
Marital Status -0.016 -0.63 -0.023 -1.19 -0.23
Education -0.029 -1.43 -0.049 -2.37* -0.66
Family history of diabetes 0.036 1.91 0.030 1.78 -0.55
HDL (mg/dl) -0.014 -0.67 -0.056 -3.15* -1.85
BMI (kg/m2) 0.151 7.31** 0.093 4.86** -2.85**
TG(mg/dl) 0.055 2.58** 0.115 5.97** 2.19*
Hypertension 0.001 0.07 0.042 2.22* 1.5
Physical Activity -0.029 -1.48 -0.006 -0.37 0.93
Poor diet 0.037 1.44 0.051 2.33* 0.57

* P < 0.05,

** P < 0.01,

# Critical Ratio for Difference between Men and Women,

¥ Correlation Coefficient.