Figure 4.
Infiltrative tumour morphology. Multiscale 3D computer model predicts gross morphologic features of a growing glioblastoma. (a) Viable (VT) and necrotic (NT) tissue regions and vasculature (MV, mature blood-conducting vessels in red; NV, new non-conducting vessels in blue) are shown. The time sequence (from left to right, over a period of 3 months) reveals that the morphology is affected by successive cycles of neovascularization, vasculature maturation and vessel cooption (VC). Scale bar, 250 μm. (b) Histology-like section of the last frame of the simulation in (a) (obtained by slicing horizontally through the simulated tumour) reveals viable tumour regions (white) surrounding necrotic tissue (dark). (c) Another view from simulation shown in (a), right. Figure reproduced with permission from [161].