Table 1. VAP definition criteria evolution (10,17).
Variables | Criteria before 2013 | Criteria after 2013 |
Respiratory status | New/worsening dyspnoea; purulent sputum; pulmonary infiltrates or consolidations on chest radiograph | ≥0.20 increase in FiO2†,‡; ≥3 cmH2O increase in PEEP†,‡ |
Infection/inflammation | Temperature >38 °C; WBC ≥12,000 cells/mm3; antimicrobial agent not required | Temperature <36 or >38 °C§; WBC ≤4,000 or ≥12,000 cells/mm3§; one or more new antimicrobial agent required and continued for ≥4 days§ |
Additional data | ETT/MV during the 48 h preceding the onset of pneumonia; positive culture (ETA ≥105 CFU/mL; BAL ≥104 CFU/mL) from appropriate specimen | Gram’s staining of ETA or BAL showing ≥25 neutrophils and ≤10 epithelial cells per low-power field¶,Φ. Positive culture from: (I) ETA ≥105 CFU/mLΦ; (II) BAL ≥104 CFU/mLΦ |
†, must follow a period ≥2 days of stable or decreasing daily minimum PEEP or daily minimum FiO2 and persist for ≥2 days; ‡, the presence of at least one of these respiratory parameters constitutes a VAC; §, the presence of VAC plus one of these infection or inflammation parameters constitutes a IVAC; ¶, the presence of IVAC plus one of this parameter constitutes a possible pneumonia; Φ, the presence of IVAC with both a positive Gram’s staining and a positive quantitative culture constitutes a probable pneumonia. WBC, white blood cell; ETT/MV, endotracheal intubation/mechanical ventilation; CFU, colony-forming unit; FiO2, inspired fraction of oxygen; PEEP, positive end expiratory pressure.