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. 2017 Jun 30;7(8):787–793. doi: 10.1177/2192568217705654

Table 2.

Comorbidities and Operative Variables for Those With and Without Preoperative Anemia.a

Nonanemic, N = 367 Anemic, N = 106
n % n % P
 Pulmonary comorbidity 24 6.54% 9 8.49% .4873
 Cardiac comorbidity 190 51.77% 66 62.26% .0562
 Peripheral vascular  disease 5 1.36% 3 2.83% .3019
 Diabetes 49 13.35% 31 29.25% .0001
 Neuromuscular injury 27 7.36% 15 14.15% .0303
 Stroke 13 3.54% 10 9.43% .013
 Steroid use 13 3.54% 5 4.72% .5576
 Recent weight loss 1 0.27% 0 0.00% .5906
 Bleeding disorder 6 1.63% 7 6.60% .0058
Operative Variables and Labs Mean SD Mean SD
 Albumin 4.2 0.4 3.49 0.6 <.0001
 HCT 42.07 3.14 34.42 3.66 <.0001
 PTT 29.23 4.39 30.12 5.81 .1976
 INR 1 0.12 1.06 0.16 .0019
 Total RVU 54.17 27.71 53.99 31.74 .9549
Procedure Subtypes n % n %
 Multilevel fusion 250 68.12% 72 67.92% .9697
Operative time >4 hours 102 27.79% 34 32.08% .3908

Abbreviation: HCT, hematocrit; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; INR, international normalized ratio; RVU, relative value unit.

aBold values represent P < .05.