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. 2017 Jul 17;7(7):e015653. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015653

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and sexual behavioural characteristics of study participants by sex

Total Male Female
n % n % n %
Total 412 100.0 176 100.0 236 100.0
Age (years)
 Mean (SD) 21.1 (1.71) 21.5 (1.67) 20.8 (1.68)
Marital status
 Single 407 98.8 175 99.4 232 98.3
 Married/cohabitating 5 1.2 1 0.6 4 1.7
 Secondary or less 213 51.7 76 43.2 137 58.1
 Technical training 109 26.5 50 28.4 59 25.0
 University grade 90 21.8 50 28.4 40 16.9
 Student 388 94.2 163 92.6 225 95.3
 Employed 23 5.6 12 6.8 11 4.7
 Missing 1 0.2 1 0.6 0 0.0
 Christian 375 91.0 162 92.0 213 90.3
 Other 37 9.0 14 8.0 23 9.7
Age at sexual debut
 Less than 18 285 69.2 115 65.3 170 72.0
 18 or more 122 29.6 58 33.0 64 27.1
 Missing 5 1.2 3 1.7 2 0.8
Number of sex partners in life
 0–1 44 10.7 5 2.8 39 16.5
 >1 368 89.3 171 97.2 197 83.5
Number of sex partners in the last 6 months
 0–1 313 76.0 110 62.5 203 86.0
 >1 99 24.0 66 37.5 33 14.0
Condom use in the last sexual intercourse
 No 139 33.7 45 25.6 94 39.8
 Yes 272 66.0 131 74.4 141 59.7
 Missing 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.4
Had a STI in life
 No 305 74.0 150 85.2 155 65.7
 Yes 105 25.5 24 13.6 81 34.3
 Missing 2 0.5 2 1.1 0 0.0
HIV infection
 Positive 21 5.1 4 2.3 17 7.2
 Negative 391 94.9 172 97.7 219 92.8

STI, sexually transmitted infection.