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. 2017 Dec 8;12(12):e0188989. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188989

Fig 3. Lesion profiles induced by mouse-adapted scrapie isolate RML in wild-type and transgenic mice expressing mutant PrP.

Fig 3

The extent of spongiform change (A) and reactive gliosis (C) in brain sections of terminally ill wt and PrP(TetraH>G) was assessed semi-quantitatively in a blinded fashion in nine areas of grey matter and three areas of white matter by lesion profiling. Animals were scored on a scale of 0–5 in each specific area, and mean scores (n = 6 (C57/129Sv), versus n = 7 (PrP(TetraH>G), line 34), respectively) are shown graphically (error bars plus SD). Blue diamonds: C57/129Sv. Red squares: PrP(TetraH>G). Analogous data from PrP(H95G) mice are shown in panels B and D (n = 4 (PrP(H95G), line 13), n = 5 (PrP(H95G), line 4) and n = 7 (PrP(H95G), line 11), respectively); data for C57/129Sv wt animals has been re-plotted for comparative purposes. Blue diamonds: C57/129Sv. Red squares: PrP(H95G), line 4. Green triangles: PrP(H95G), line 11. Grey circles: PrP(H95G), line 13. Scoring areas as follows: Grey matter: 1, dorsal medulla, 2, cerebellar cortex, 3, superior colliculus, 4, hypothalamus, 5, medial thalamus, 6, hippocampus, 7, septum, 8, medial cerebral cortex at septum level, 9, medial cerebral cortex at thalamus level. White matter: 1*, cerebellar white matter, 2*, mesencephalic tegmentum, 3* pyramidal tract.