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. 2017 Nov 29;17:667–679. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2017.11.023

Table 5b.

Classification of VLBW preterm infants at high-risk for gross motor impairment based on near-term regional white matter microstructure assessed on DTI, using exhaustive feature selection and logistic regression for prediction of BSID-III gross motor subscore below one standard deviation of the mean in preterm children at 18–22 months. The five most predictive set of three brain regions are listed.

Maximum sensitivity
Maximum specificity
Regions AUC Sens Spec Sens Spec Sens Spec
L lingual gyrus FA
R parahippocampal gyrus MD
R gyrus rectus AD
0.84 0.933 0.667 1 0.467 0.2 1
L lingual gyrus FA
R parahippocampal gyrus AD
R lateral orbitofrontal gyrus AD
0.837 0.867 0.756 1 0.444 0.067 1
L lingual gyrus FA
R parahippocampal gyrus AD
R fusiform gyrus AD
0.831 0.8 0.756 1 0.267 0.067 1
L lingual gyrus FA
R gyrus rectus AD
R fornix MD
0.831 0.8 0.778 0.933 0.6 0.333 1
L cuneus FA
L inferior temporal gyrus MD
R fornix MD
0.828 0.8 0.733 1 0.489 0.133 1