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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Dec 28.
Published in final edited form as: J Control Release. 2017 Oct 18;268:147–158. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.10.020

Table 3. Effect of exosome production and internalization on PTX accumulation and cytotoxicity in cells: Model-simulated results.

Simulations were performed for Donor cells treated with 1 or 1000 nM PTX for 24 h. The resulting values of Ccell,total, Ccell,tubulin and Cytotoxicity (E, rate constant of drug-induced cell death) are represented as area-under-curve from 0 to 24 h. E was calculated as kkill(Ccell,tubulinnCcell,tubulinn+IC50n). The original values of model parameters are 31 h−1 for ksort,exo, 0.105 h−1 for krel,exo, 0.038 pmole·h−1·cell−1 for Jmaxinter,exo, and 59.2 μM for Btubulin,initial. With the exception of Btubulin,initial where the low and high values were one-half or 2-times the original values, the low and high values of all other parameters were one-tenth or 10-times the original values. Signs in the table correspond to minimal change of <20% (−), increase or decrease of 20–50% (↑ and ↓), 51–100% (↑↑ and ↓↓), 101–200% (↑↑↑ and ↓↓↓), and >200% (↑↑↑↑ and ↓↓↓↓).

Parameter A. Effects on Donor cells B. Effects on Recipient cells

1 nM 1000 nM 1 nM 1000 nM
Ccell,total Ccell,tubulin E Ccell,total Ccell,tubulin E Ccell,total Ccell,tubulin E Ccell,total Ccell,tubulin E
Exosome production ksort,exo Low ↓↓ ↓↓
High ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑

krel,exo Low ↑↑ ↑↑
↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓↓
High ↓↓ ↓↓
↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑
↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑↑

Exosome internalization Jmaxinter,exo Low ↑↑
↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑↑
High ↓↓

Tubulin binding capacity Btubulin,initial Low ↓↓ ↓↓
↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↑↑ ↑↑
High ↑↑ ↑↑
↑↑ ↑↑↑ ↓↓ ↓↓