Intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, stays, and mortality of COPD patients with pneumonic and nonpneumonic exacerbations.
Notes: (A) Admission rates among 52,520 patients with a first-time hospitalization for acute COPD exacerbation (AECOPD), ≥40 years of age in Denmark, 2006–2012. The Danish National Patient Registry was used to identify all first-time inpatient hospitalizations for pneumonic AECOPD (pAECOPD; 18,968 patients) and nonpneumonic AECOPD (npAECOPD; 33,552 patients). All COPD hospitalizations were categorized according to whether they included a primary or secondary diagnosis of pneumonia. Data from Søgaard et al.26 (B) Median ICU length of stay (LOS) in COPD patients due to pAECOPD or npAECOPD. Data were obtained from a retrospective analysis of all hospitalizations in 2005 in the departments of internal and respiratory medicine in one Swedish and two Norwegian hospitals. A total of 1,144 hospital admissions (731 patients) were identified from the patient administrative systems: 237 were for pAECOPD (mean age 75.3 years) and 472 for npAECOPD (mean age 71.7 years). *P<0.001. Data from Andreassen et al.25 (C) 30-Day mortality among the 52,520 patients described in A, with adjustments for age, sex, comorbidity, and respiratory medications. Data from Søgaard et al.26 (D) In-hospital and 90-day mortality in COPD patients following hospitalization for npAECOPD or pAECOPD in the UK in 2008. UK National COPD audit data were used to determine in-hospital and 90-day mortality rates of patients admitted with npAECOPD (542 of 7,833 patients and 951 of 7,504 patients, respectively) or pAECOPD (160 of 1,505 patients and 247 of 1,441 patients, respectively). A total of 9,338 admissions were assessed, with a mean age of 73 years. *P<0.001. Data from Myint et al.27