(A) Primary fungal culture. Colonies of different colours were observed in the primary culture. (B) Lactophenol blue staining of lung sample. The morphological criteria matches that of Aspergillus spp., with brush-like and radiate conidial heads with round vesicles and biseriate phialides. (C) Pure fungal colonies from subculture at day 21. (D) PCR product. A single band was obtained from the two mycelia tissue samples collected from different subcultured pure colonies. Lanes 1: 100-bp ladder marker; lane 2–4, DNA from first mycelia tissue; lane 5–7, DNA from second mycelia tissue; lane 8, empty well; lane 9, no-template control PCR water; lane 10, positive control (Candida glabrata ATCC 2001 DNA). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)