Figure 6.
Bayesian skyline plot for VP1 sequences of HuNoV GII.4. Plots for all GII.4 strains (A), US95_96 variant strains (B), Farmington Hills 2002 variant strains (C), Asia 2003 variant strains (D), Hunter 2004 variant strains (E), Yerseke 2006a variant strains (F), Den Haag 2006 variant strains (G), Osaka 2007 variant strains (H), Apeldoorn 2007 variant strains (I), New Orleans 2009 variant strains (J), and Sydney 2012 variant strains (K) are shown. The y-axis represents the effective population size on logarithmic scale, whereas the x-axis denotes the time in years. The solid black line indicates the median posterior value. The intervals with the highest probability densities (95%) are shown by blue lines.