Gene Expression Changes in Ocular Tissues following Subretinal Injection of AAV-VMD2-CR2-fH in the Presence and Absence of Laser-Induced CNV
(A) C3a ELISA analysis for RPE/choroid fractions from naive mice compared to 6-day post-laser-induced CNV mice injected 1 month prior with either AAV-VMD2-mCherry or AAV-VMD2-CR2-fH. (B) qRT-PCR on cDNA generated from RPE/choroid fraction and retina was used to measured gene expression of Rpe65, C3, and Vegfa in 6-day post-laser-induced CNV mice injected 1 month prior with either AAV5-VMD2-mCherry or AAV5-VMD2-CR2-fH over mice with no laser-induced CNV. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 3 animals per condition performed in triplicate, p ≤ 0.05).