Figure 1.
(A) 15N NMR spectrum of a 0.25 M 15N-neurine substrate in the presence of 1.0% Rh/TiO2 before reaction with p-H2 in D2O, recorded with eight scans and a 30 s repetition delay; no signal of reactant is observed at 58 ppm under these conditions. 15N NMR spectrum of the hyperpolarized product using the same acquisition parameters as those used for spectrum acquisition shown in (A) but taken with 1 scan after transfer of spin order to 15N, achieved with 30 s 50%-enriched p-H2 bubbling inside of the magnetic shield. (C) Same as (B) but with hydrogenation occurring over 23.2% Rh/TiO2. HP 15N spectra are shown with an absorptive phase (i.e., sharing the same phase as a thermally polarized 15N sample); note that the field cycling was not optimized for polarization transfer.