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. 2017 Oct 24;7(23):10207–10215. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3558

Table 1.

Caves considered in this study. Numbers between brackets correspond with the caves shown in Figure 1 and Figure 3. Water presence has four ordered levels (1, occasional presence of areas of water or humid spots; 2, presence of scattered areas of water in the form of more or less continuous drops; 3, presence of permanent pools throughout the cave; 4, presence of rivers or streams), the tropic level has three ordered levels (1, oligotrophic, not having organic material; 2, mesotrophic, scattered organic material present along the cave; 3, meso‐eutrophic, with accumulations of organic material present along the cave), and genesis has two categories (0, epigenic; 1, hypogenic)

Cave name Altitude (m.s.n.m.) Size of entrance (m2) Linear extension (m) Water Trophic level Genesis
Cueva de los Chorros (1) 1,122 300 30,000 4 1 0
Cueva del Farallón (2) 1,250 1.2 600 3 2 0
Cueva‐Sima de los Ladrones (3) 1,570 1 315 2 2 0
Cueva Secreta del Poyo Manquillo (4) 1,500 3 296 2 2 0
Sistema de la Murcielaguina (5) 1,085 10 4,500 2 3 0
Cueva Secreta del Sagreo (6) 1,000 1 236 2 3 0
Cueva del Javalí (7) 1,520 1.5 190 2 3 0
Sima de los 30 Años (8) 1,383 4 340 2 2 0
Cueva de la Morciguilla (9) 700 0.5 480 2 2 0
Sima del Campamento (10) 887 15 538 2 2 0
Sima de la Tubería (11) 930 0.5 65 2 2 0
Cueva del Puerto (12) 495 0.5 5,000 2 1 1
Cova Joliana (13) 653 1 1,100 3 2 0
Cova del Far (14) 120 0.8 1,100 2 2 1
Cova del Somo (15) 860 4.5 1,318 2 2 0
Cova de les Meravelles (Cocentaina) (16) 1,070 0.5 157 2 2 0
Cova de la Punta de Benimaquía (17) 60 12 208 2 3 0
Cova Sant Joan (18) 250 0.8 15 1 2 0
Cova de les Meravelles (Alzira) (19) 60 8 60 2 3 0
Cueva Negra (20) 1,180 72 380 1 1 0
Cueva de la Autopista (21) 90 8 8,000 2 1 1