Fig. 3.
FBL knockdown impacts 2′-O-Me of nucleotides in a site-specific manner, including nucleotides at key positions within the ribosome. (A) Mean MethScore values ± SD (n = 3 independent biological replicates) for each methylated nucleotide in 28S rRNA from HeLa cells transfected with CTRL-siRNA (black circle) or FBL-siRNA (gray circle). (B) View of the A-site in a HeLa cell ribosome 3D structure. Methylation sites are color coded according to the variation in MethScore comparing FBL siRNA cells with CTRL siRNA cells, as indicated on the right. The Gm1747 methylation site (orange, methylation decreased by 16.7%), is oriented with the 2′OH group close to the D-loop of the A-site tRNA (blue). (C) View of the PTC showing the tRNAs in the A-site (blue) and P-site (purple). Methylation frequency of nucleotides Gm4469 and Gm4166 (Gray) was not altered by FBL knockdown. See also Fig. S3 and Datasets S2 and S3.