(A) Targeting strategy to obtain a BAC containing the EYFP gene under the direction of regulatory elements from the mouse TRPM8 gene. (B, C) Fluorescent expression in the trigeminal ganglion (tg) and dorsal root ganglion (drg) of the TRPM8BAC-EYFP transgenic mouse line in fresh tissue. Scale bars (1 mm). (D) Fura-2 traces of FACS-purified EYFP-labelled neurons challenged with cold, menthol (100 μM), cold plus menthol, cinnamaldehyde (CA, 100 μM), and capsaicin (100 nM). (E) Quantification of neurons responding to each stimulus (as percentage of total) in EYFP(+) (green) and EYFP(−) (red) neurons. (F) Effect of BCTC (10 μM) on cold-evoked responses in 10 FACSed EYFP(+) neurons recorded simultaneously. (G) Histogram of BCTC (10 μM) block of cold- and menthol-evoked responses in sorted YFP(+) neurons (n = 24) from TRPM8BAC-EYFP(+/−) mice. Values are mean ± sem (*** for p<0.001, n.s. not significant; one way ANOVA and Dunnett post test).