(A) Mean ± sem calcium elevation evoked by cold, menthol (100 μM), cold plus menthol in TRPM8(+) neurons in wild type (green) and TASK-3KO mice (red) (** for p<0.01 and *** for p<0.001; unpaired t-test). (B) Percentage of TRPM8(+) neurons responding to different agonists in TASK3WT (green) and TASK3KO mice. Cinnamaldehyde (CA, 100 μM), capsaicin (Cap, 100 nM). (C). Temperature threshold of activation of FACSed YFP(+) neurons from TRPM8BAC-EYFP(+/−) and TRPM8BAC-EYFP(+/−); TASK3KO mice (*** for p<0.001; unpaired t-test).