Figure 2.
Comparison of 24-h caffeine intake from diet and supplements, spot urine 5-acetylamino-6-amino-3-methyluracil (AAMU) concentrations, and urine AAMU excretion rates s in U.S. persons aged ≥6 y, NHANES 2009–2010, stratified by demographic variables. Values are medians ± 95% CI. (A) caffeine intake, (B) AAMU concentration, and (C) AAMU excretion rate stratified by age. (D) caffeine intake, (E) AAMU concentration, and (F) AAMU excretion rate stratified by sex. (G) caffeine intake, (H) AAMU concentration, and (I) AAMU excretion rate stratified by race-ethnicity. M, male; F, female; NHW, non-Hispanic white; NHB, non-Hispanic black. Sample sizes (n) for spot urine concentration and excretion rate data appear in Supplemental Table 2. Intake data sample sizes were as follows: Age: 6–11 y, n = 358; 12–19 y, n = 381; 20–39 y, n = 575; 40–59 y, n = 589; ≥60 y, n = 505; Sex: male, n = 1178; female, n = 1230; Race-ethnicity: non-Hispanic white, n = 1028; non-Hispanic black, n = 447; all Hispanic, n = 807.