Fig. 8.
Leaky integrate and fire model of OFF OS RGCs. a Flowchart of the LIF model. Recorded cycle average gap junction and inhibitory currents measured in response to drifting grating stimuli were used as inputs in the LIF model to generate resulting membrane potential for different grating movement directions. b Polar plot of cell attached drifting grating responses of an example OFF OS RGC. c Simulated drifting grating response generated by the LIF model using the currents measured from the cell in b. d Scatter plot of recorded OS angles (θ recorded) vs. LIF model OS angles (θ LIF model). e Schematic showing the logic of different shuffling conditions of input currents. f OSI of the recorded data from four horizontal OFF OS RGCs (orange points) and seven vertical OFF OS RGCs (green points) along with OSI values from four different LIF model shuffling conditions. Dashed lines connect data and models from the same cells. Error bars indicate SEM across n = 11 cells. ***p < 0.001