FIG. 5.
Histochemical analysis of SCCVII tumor sections 24 h after treatment with TH-302 and/or XRT (6 Gy). (n = 4 for the TH-302/XRT group, n = 3 for other groups) (A, B). Detection of hypoxic area by pimonidazole (pimo) (A, B) or DNA damage (γ-H2AX-positive cells) by anti-H2AX (pSer139) antibody (A). (C) Detection of necrotic area (HE). (D) Quantification of γ-H2AX-positive cells at indicated conditions. Black bar, pimo-negative area; white bar, pimo-positive area. (E) Quantification of pimo-positive area at indicated conditions. *p = 0.006. (F) Quantification of necrotic area at indicated conditions calculated from HE staining. The values shown are mean ± SE from at least three mice. HE, hematoxylin and eosin.