Reaction profiles for the activation of hPro by prothrombinase.
Progress curves for products and reactants for the activation of hPro
by prothrombinase assembled with rhfVaWT (filled symbols)
or rhfVaNR→DE (open symbols) were obtained by quantitative
densitometry of the gels shown in Figure 3A,B, as described in the Experimental Section. The graphs illustrate the disappearance
of hPro (circles), the transient formation of MzT (squares), and the
accumulation of the B chain of α-thrombin (triangles). The lines
for the disappearance of hPro were drawn according to the equation
of a one phase exponential decay (rhfVaWT, R2 = 0.99, and rhfVaNR→DE, R2 = 0.99). The lines depicting the formation of MzT and
the accumulation of the B chain of α-thrombin were arbitrarily
drawn. Additional data points extending to 1 h of incubation have
been omitted for clarity.