Figure 2.
Co-adaption at the genome scale. (A) TAAIs of bacteria divided into two groups based on their growth rates. The dataset includes 53 bacteria with available information on growth rates: which were classed into two groups by the mean growth time. The fast group has higher TAAIs than the slow. The GC content of the two groups are similar (The students’ t test: P = 0.42), their genome sizes varied non-significantly (The fast generally has larger genome than the slow: P = 0.07). (B) Prokaryotic organisms’ TAAIs, associated with corresponding genome sizes. The prokaryotic organisms were divided into three groups, showing significantly different TAAIs. Here, 376 prokaryotic genomes were involved in the analysis of correlation between TAAIs and genome sizes. In addition, the GC content also affect the TAAIs along with the increase of genome sizes: GC small < GC median < GC large (P < 2.2e−16).