Fig. 4.
Exposure to EE leads to higher regional RS-FC strength compared to STD housing after stroke.
Seed-based interregional RS-FC matrices for (A) stroke STD (lower half) and stroke EE (upper half) and (C) sham STD (lower half) and sham EE (upper half). Group differences in regional RS-FC are reported for (B) stroke EE minus stroke STD and (D) sham EE minus sham STD. Difference matrices were calculated by subtracting the upper triangle from the lower triangle. There was no effect of EE on interregional RS-FC in sham mice after stroke. (E) Schematic of brain regions exhibiting significantly enhanced RS-FC after stroke following exposure to EE.
Abbreviations: M1: primary motor, M2 secondary motor, M2p: posterior M2, SFL: somatosensory forelimb, PP: posterior parietal, RS: retrosplenial, VIS: visual, -l: left (lesional) hemisphere, -r: right (contralesional) hemisphere, STD: standard environment, EE: enriched environment. The (+) marker indicates p < 0.05 following FDR correction.