Table 1.
Selected candidate target genes involved in fin development, morphogenesis and regeneration.
Gene Symbols | Related function | Fin development/morphogenesis | Fin regeneration | References |
bmp2/4/8a, sp7 | BMP pathway ligands and a bone specific TF involved in induction of osteoblast differentiation, blastemal cell proliferation and skeletogenesis | + | + | 8,9,23,32–35,66 |
fgf3/10a/20a, fgfr1a, pea3 | FGF pathway components involved in controlling blastemal cell proliferation and survival, fin epithelium formation and homeostatic regeneration | + | + | 8,9,30,38,39,48,67–70 |
cyp26a1, raldh2, crabp2, rarg | RA pathway components involved in controlling/ inhibiting blastema formation and basal epidermal layer during fin development and regeneration | + | + | 8,9,24,35,71–73 |
wnt5b/10a, lef1, axin1 | WNT pathway components orchestrating different aspects of blastema and basal epidermal formation in fin | + | + | 8–10,32,36–39 |
shh, ptch1/2 | Hh pathway components involved in patterning and growth of fin ray skeleton during development and regeneration | + | + | 8,33,35,38,74 |
hdac1, hspa9, smarca4 | Components of epigenetic gene regulation implicated in fin regeneration and controlling blastema cell proliferation | ? | + | 10,75 |
evx1, cx43, esco2, hapln1a, sema3d | Components of an interconnected regulatory network involved in formation, growth and regeneration of fin ray segments and joints | + | + | 40–44,46,76 |
mmp9 | A matrix metalloproteinase participating in the reconfiguration of tissues during fin regeneration | + | + | 10,50 |
dlx5a | A homeodomain transcription factor required for both paired fin outgrowth and unpaired fin morphogenesis | + | + | 10,77 |
igf2b | An insulin growth factor required for the induction of the blastemal and wound epidermal markers | ? | + | 29 |
junb | A component of Ap-1 transcriptional complex; its prolonged induction is required for fin regeneration | ? | + | 10,78 |
klf2, rack1 | Two novel genes with a role in regional extension of fins in swordtail fish | + | ? | 12 |
mps1 | A kinase required for the mitotic checkpoint and proliferation of proximal blastemal cells during fin regeneration | ? | + | 79 |
msxb | A transcriptional repressor specifying the boundary of blastemal cell proliferation and directing fin regenerative outgrowth | + | + | 48,80 |
notch1a | A Notch pathway receptor maintaining blastema cells in a plastic, undifferentiated and proliferative state | ? | + | 81 |
rpz | A gene involved in symmetrical and allometric fin outgrowth by affecting the number of fin ray segments | + | ? | 82,83 |
sdf1a | A stromal cell-derived alpha chemokine essential for epidermal cell proliferation during blastema formation | ? | + | 84,85 |
yap | An effector of the Hippo pathway regulating regenerative growth by balancing cell density and cytoskeleton activity | ? | + | 86 |