Reprogramming of hiPSCs and differentiation to cardiac clusters.
A) Immunocytochemistry of pluripotency associated factors in iPS-HS1M hiPSCs following reprogramming from HDFs. Bar = 100 μm. B) Immunocytochemistry of lineage markers of mesoderm (ACTA2), neurectoderm (TUBB3) and endoderm (SOX17) plus DAPI staining (blue) following non-directed EB differentiation and outgrowth. Bar = 100 μm. C) G banding of iPS-HS1M, indicating a normal karyotype following reprogramming. D) Schematic with phase contrast images inset of hiPSC differentiation to cardiac clusters. For media formulations see Supplementary table S2. Bar = 500 μm. E) Flow cytometry analysis of TNNT2 expression in iPS-HS1M at differentiation day 21, with IgG isotype control inset. F) Immunocytochemistry of NKX2-5 and TNNT2 plus DAPI at day 28 of differentiation following partial dissociation of iPS-HS1M cardiac clusters. Bar = 100 μm.