Figure 4.
Time evolution of the maximum signal of different compartments in phantom and in brain after each RF pulse. (a–d) Comparison of simulated (blue) and measured (black) maximum magnitude 23Na signals after each pulse of the 15-pulse FLORET sequence for (a) 0% agar phantom compartment, showing a correlation of 0.99, (b) 4% agar phantom compartment, with a correlation of 0.95, (c) 8% agar phantom compartment with a correlation of 0.95, and (d) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain, showing a correlation of 0.99. The 15-point signals were all normalized to the the maximum signal point in each compartment. (e,f) Absolute sodium signals over 15 pulses as simulated for three compartments in the brain: CSF, intracellular (IC), and extracellular (EC), before (e) and after (f) frequency offset and correction procedures. See Table 1 for corresponding correlation coefficients between these three signals.