Fenofibrate reduces the inflammatory response and cardiac injury in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Histological sections of the hearts of T. cruzi-infected untreated mice (left panel), T. cruzi-infected and Fen-treated mice (center panel) and T. cruzi-infected and Fen plus Bzl-treated mice (right panel). The inflammatory reaction was evaluated by Hematoxylin-Eosin stain. Infiltrate score: (−) No infiltrates, (+) Scarce focal infiltrates compromising less than 10% ventricle area, (++) Focal or scattered infiltrates compromising 10–25% ventricle area, (+++) Diffuse myocardial inflammation including coalescent infiltrates. Magnification: 400×. Bar: 100 μm. (A). Creatine kinase (CK) activity in sera was determined as a marker of heart injury (B). Results are expressed as the mean of three independent experiments (seven mice/group) ± SEM. White bar: Uninfected control mice. Black bar: T. cruzi-infected mice. Grey bar: T. cruzi-infected and Fen treated mice. Hatched grey bar: T. cruzi-infected and Fen plus Bzl treated mice. ***P < 0.0001 T. cruzi-infected and treated mice (Fen or Fen plus Bzl) vs. T. cruzi-infected mice; ###P < 0.0001, T. cruzi-infected mice vs. uninfected mice.