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. 2017 Dec 13;10(1):1408385. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2017.1408385

Table A3.

Definition of child health indicators.

Category Indicator Abbreviation Definition of the indicators
Child health outcomes Infant mortality IMR Infant mortality per 1,000 live births
Under-five mortality U5MR Under-five mortality per 1,000 live births
Stunting STU Proportion of children aged 0–59 months whose height for age is less than 2 standard deviation median height for age of reference population
Child health interventions Improved sanitation SAN Proportion of members of households with improved sanitary facilities
Improved water supply WAT Proportion of members of households with improved drinking water source or using bottled water if source for nondrinking water is improved
Skilled birth attendant SBA Proportion of mothers aged 15–49 who had their delivery assisted by a skilled health professional
Four or more antenatal care visits ANC4 Proportion of mothers aged 15–49 who had four or more times of antenatal care visits during last pregnancy (in the two or three years preceding the survey)
One or more antenatal care visits ANC1 Proportion of mothers aged 15–49 who had one or more times of antenatal care visits during last pregnancy (in the two or three years preceding the survey)
Family planning needs satisfied FPS Proportion of all women 15–49 using contraception among those who are fecund, in union, and in need of contraception
Composite coverage index CCI Weighted mean of the coverage of eight interventions. The formula is as below: CCI=14FPS+SBA+ANCI2+2DPT3+MSL+BCG4+ORT+TPN2
DPT immunization DPT3 Proportion of children aged 12–23 months who received at least three doses of DPT vaccine
Measles immunization MSL Proportion of children aged 12–23 months who received a dose of measles vaccine
BCG immunization BCG Proportion of children aged 12–23 months who received a dose of BCG vaccine
Polio immunization POI Proportion of children aged 12–23 months who received at least three doses of polio vaccine
Full immunization FULL Proportion of children aged 12–23 months who received three doses of DPT and Polio vaccines and one dose of BCG and measles vaccines
Oral rehydration therapy ORT Proportion of children aged 0–59 months who received special package of oral-salt-water solution (ORS) or prepackaged ORS liquid
Care seeking for diarrhea TDIA Proportion of children aged 0–59 months who had diarrhea in the past 2 weeks had ORS or sought for care from health facilities, including hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, village health workers, maternal and child health clinics, mobile/outreach clinics, private physicians
Care seeking for suspected pneumonia TPN Proportion of children aged 0–59 months who had suspected pneumonia (cough and rapid breathing, or problem in the chest) in the past 2 weeks sought for care from health facilities, including hospitals, health centers, dispensaries, village health workers, maternal and child health clinics, mobile/outreach clinics, private physicians
Vitamin A supplementation VITA Proportion of children aged 6–59 months who received a vitamin A dose in the past 6 months
Insecticide-treated bed net for children ITN Proportion of children aged 0–59 months who slept under a treated bed net the night before the interview

Child health interventions included in previous studies are highlighted in light purple.