Figure 2.
Non-Metastatic melanoma cells are more sensitive to acute ER stress induction. (a–c) Expression of down-stream targets of the UPR after acute ER stress induction (0.01 µM thapsigargin in MIM for 48 hours) was determined by RT-qPCR (n = 2). (d) Protein expression of each pathway of the UPR was determined by immunoblotting in isogenic non-metastatic MCM1G and MCM1DLN after thapsigargin treatment (0.001 µM and 0.01 µM in MIM for 48 hours). One representative blot out of three independent experiments is shown. Uncropped immunoblot scans are shown in supplementary Fig. S8. (e) Viability of isogenic non-metastatic MCM1G and metastatic MCM1DLN cells was tested using increasing concentrations of thapsigargin in MIM for 48 hours and by determining IC50 concentrations (n = 3).