Figure 4.
Maximum clearance as function of disease duration of all baseline and placebo treatment groups, and separately for liraglutide group treated for 6 months. Abscissa: Duration (months). Ordinate: Maximum clearance calculated as average of Tmax/Kt ratios for the four groups. Curve represents best fit of exponential growth equation Y = Yo + A exp(−k(X − Xo)) with R2 = 0.4 and parameters + standard errors of Yo = 9.28 + 0.08 ml/hg/min, A = 0.12 + 0.49 ml/hg/min, and k = 0.23 + 0.27 min−1, with Xo fixed at 16.4 months, the average duration of the placebo group members at baseline. The points representing the averages of the healthy control group were not included in the analysis.