Skin micro-eukaryotic taxa on Rana cascadae from Section Line at each life stage, collected on the same day. The proportional abundance of (A) micro-eukaryote and (B) Fungal OTU sequences per major taxon across lifestages: tadpoles (N = 4), subadults (N = 6), adults (N = 11), sediment (N = 3), and lake water (N = 2). Data for both figures is based on the proportional abundance of each microbial taxon per individual. OTUs with lower than 0.5% total abundance were grouped into the category combined other. Average number of sequences per sample type; tadpoles (N = 213), subadults (N = 2,661), adults (N = 3,490), sediment (N = 125,818) and lake water (N = 58,062).