Analysis of bacterial and fungal OTUs that correlate with B. dendrobatidis found on Cascades frogs at Section Line. This analysis included 21 frog individuals for which we had successful sequencing yields for both 16S and 18S: tadpoles (N = 4), subadults (N = 6), adults (N = 11). (A) Network analysis is depicting only significantly correlating bacterial and fungal OTUs with B. dendrobatidis. All circular nodes represent OTUs (either bacteria or fungi) with significant correlation with pathogen B. dendrobatidis in the network. Red lines indicate negative correlation between two OTUs. Blue lines indicate positive correlation between two OTUs. Yellow nodes = (B. dendrobatidis-inhibitory), White nodes (Unknown Status). The large circle represents bacterial OTUs of the family Comomonadaceae; the smaller circle shows taxa clustering at the order level (Burkholderiales). Two fungal OTUs (Pezizomycotina) were found to negatively correlate with pathogen B. dendrobatidis. (B) Heatmap is depicting the number of negatively correlating OTUs between bacterial and fungal OTUs and fungal taxon B. dendrobatidis. All positively correlated interactions are excluded from the heatmap. The numbers in the heatmap indicate the frequency of negative correlations between bacterial and fungal groups calculated as the sum of negative OTU correlations per bacterial taxon and B. dendrobatidis, which are also depicted as red lines in A. Taxonomic levels are described as f = Family, c = Class, and Fungi = subdivision.