Figure 2.
SNAP-25 cKO mice exhibit schizophrenia-like phenotype. (a–d) Summary plots of velocity, movement trajectory, stereotype movement in the open-field test (n = 6), and reduced prepulse inhibition (n = 5). (e) cKOs display deficient social skills as shown by social approach-avoidance test (n = 10). (f) cKOs occupy an impaired tendency to explore novel environment in hole-board test (n = 6). (g) Nest building. Left panel: pictures show the results of nesting of different genotypic mice. Right panel: statistical results of nesting scores (n = 5). (h) cKOs display impaired learning and memory in the step-through passive avoidance task (n = 10). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, and ∗∗∗P < 0.001 compared with control littermates.