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. 2017 Dec 12;17:948. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4964-6

Table 1.

Sources of malaria, diarrhoea and respiratory information and education messages in the Volta and Northern Regions

Health education Volta Region Northern Region
N % (95%CI)a N % (95% CI)a
Receiving messages on malaria 576/671 83.8 575/685 88.8
Sources of malaria messages
 From CBAs 74 18.5 (4.9, 50.0) 43 8.5 (3.2, 20.4)
 From CHPs nurses 118 31.2 (11.5, 61.3) 182 26.8 (14.9, 43.3)
 From HC nurses 195 21.7 (15.7, 29.0) 131 22.3 (11.5, 38.7)
 From hospital nurses 142 25.5 (10.2, 50.7) 75 13.7 (7.2, 24.7)
 Outreach clinic 23 4.0 (0.6, 22.1) 0 0
 From radio 201 34.3 (23.6, 46.9) 254 44.5 (21.1, 70.6)
 From neighbours 47 12.8 (6.4, 23.8) 242 45.8 (40.5, 51.2)
 Family member 41 4.2 (1.3, 12.9) 160 33.2 (22.6, 45.9)
 Friends 23 3.8 (2.0, 7.1) 109 18.5 (13.0, 25.7)
 From TV 66 8.6 (2.0, 29.7) 24 2.0 (0.7, 5.4)
 From posters 11 1.0 (0.1, 8.7) 2 0.1 (0.007, 1.7)
Receiving messages on diarrhoea 496/671 73.65 491/685 79.6
Sources of diarrhoea messages
 From CBAs 55 15.0 (4.7, 38.9) 33 7.4 (2.7, 18.8)
 From CHPs nurses 107 33.3 (12.5, 63.6) 153 28.8 (16.3, 45.6)
 From HC nurses 161 18.1 (9.1, 32.9) 105 20.7 (10.2, 37.3)
 From hospital nurses 106 19.0 (5.1, 50.6) 62 11.5 (5.4, 22.7)
 Outreach clinic 23 5.1 (0.7, 27.7) 0 0
 From neighbours 39 8.2 (2.3, 25.2) 208 46.4 (38.6, 54.3)
 Family member 39 4.4 (1.4, 13.2) 150 31.5 (20.8, 44.6)
 Friends 27 9.2 (3.0, 24.7) 116 20.8 (15.7, 27.0)
 From radio 180 32.3 (23.3, 42.7) 191 37.9 (18.0, 63.0)
 From TV 61 9.0 (1.7, 35.0) 19 4.1 (1.1, 13.3)
 From posters 9 0.9 (0.1, 7.7) 9 0.8 (0.05, 11.9)
Receiving messages on respiratory infections 345/669 57.1 400/683 66.1
Sources of respiratory infections messages
 From CBAs 34 18.2 (3.3, 59.2) 21 4.6 (1.9, 10.5)
 From CHPs nurses 73 31.2 (12.3, 59.6) 99 21.7 (13.8. 32.5)
 From HC nurses 99 19.0 (12.6, 27.8) 91 21.4 (9.1, 42.3)
 From hospital nurses 78 19.6 (5.0, 53.1) 49 12.1 (3.7, 33.2)
 Outreach clinic 13 6.0 (0.7, 34.6) 0 0
 From neighbours 34 8.4 (2.0, 29.2) 162 41.1 (33.9, 49.2)
 Family member 40 8.0 (1.7, 30.1) 119 28.6 (20.7, 38..1)
 Friends 16 6.8 (2.6, 16.5) 98 21.8 (13.4, 33.4)
 From radio 127 30.5 (20.1, 43.4) 138 34.1 (19.8, 52.0)
 From TV 35 5.3 (1.2, 20.3) 10 0.8 (0.2, 3.5)
 From posters 2 0.0 (0.004, 0.4) 8 1.1 (0.0, 17.4)

aWeighted estimates